Wedding Without License: What You Need to Know

Getting married is one of the most important events in someone's life. Couples usually plan their wedding for months or even years, making sure everything is perfect for their special day. However, there are some couples who consider getting married without a license. Although it may sound romantic or even rebellious, there are some things you need to know before taking such a step.

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What is a Marriage License?

A marriage license is a legal document that gives couples permission to get married. It is issued by the state or county where the couple lives or where they plan to get married. The marriage license is valid for a specific period of time, usually 30 to 90 days, depending on the state. It is important to note that the marriage license is different from the marriage certificate. The marriage certificate is a legal record of the marriage and is issued after the wedding ceremony.

Is it Legal to Get Married Without a License?

No, it is not legal to get married without a license. The marriage license is a legal requirement in every state in the United States. Couples who get married without a license are not considered legally married. This means that they do not have the same legal rights and protections as couples who are legally married.

Why Do Some Couples Consider Getting Married Without a License?

There are several reasons why some couples consider getting married without a license. One reason is that they may not want to involve the government in their personal lives. Another reason is that they may not agree with the laws surrounding marriage, such as the requirement to obtain a license. Some couples may also see it as a way to rebel against societal norms.

What Are the Risks of Getting Married Without a License?

There are several risks associated with getting married without a license. One of the biggest risks is that the marriage will not be legally recognized. This means that the couple will not have the same legal rights and protections as couples who are legally married. For example, they will not be able to file joint tax returns, and they will not be entitled to spousal benefits such as Social Security or health insurance.

Another risk is that the couple may not be able to prove that they are married if they need to. For example, if one spouse needs to make medical decisions for the other, they may not be able to do so without a legal marriage certificate. This could cause problems if one spouse becomes incapacitated or unable to make decisions for themselves.

Additionally, if the couple decides to get a divorce, they may not be able to do so without going through a formal legal process. This could be more complicated and expensive than if they had obtained a marriage license in the first place.

What Are the Alternatives?

If you do not want to get a marriage license, there are some alternatives you may consider. One option is to have a commitment ceremony. A commitment ceremony is a non-legal ceremony that celebrates a couple's commitment to each other. It is not legally binding, but it can be a meaningful way to celebrate your relationship.

Another option is to get a domestic partnership or civil union. These are legal alternatives to marriage that provide some of the same legal rights and protections. However, they are not available in all states, and the rights and protections they provide may vary.


Getting married without a license may seem like a romantic or rebellious idea, but it is not legal. Couples who choose to get married without a license may face several risks, including the lack of legal recognition and the inability to access legal protections and benefits. If you do not want to get a marriage license, there are some alternatives you may consider, such as a commitment ceremony or a domestic partnership. Whatever you decide, it is important to understand the legal implications of your choices and make an informed decision.

Related video of Wedding Without License: What You Need to Know

