License to Perform Marriage in California

Marriage is one of the most important events in a person's life. It is a symbol of love and commitment between two people. In California, there are certain requirements that must be met before a person can legally perform a marriage. This article will cover everything you need to know about getting a license to perform marriage in California.

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Who Can Perform A Marriage In California?

There are two types of people who can perform a marriage in California: a religious official and a civil official.

A religious official is someone who has been ordained by a religious organization to perform marriages. They must be in good standing with the organization and have their own congregation. They can perform marriages in any location within California.

A civil official is someone who has been designated by the state to perform marriages. This includes judges, justices of the peace, and some government officials. They can only perform marriages within their jurisdiction.

Requirements To Become A Marriage Performer In California

In order to become a marriage performer in California, you must meet certain requirements. These requirements vary depending on whether you are a religious official or a civil official.

Religious Officials

If you are a religious official, you must be ordained by a religious organization and be in good standing with that organization. You must also have your own congregation and be authorized by your organization to perform marriages.

You will need to provide proof of your ordination, standing, and authorization to the county clerk's office where your congregation is located. Once you have submitted all the necessary documents, you will be issued a certificate of authorization to perform marriages in California.

Civil Officials

If you are a civil official, you must be appointed by the state to perform marriages. This includes judges, justices of the peace, and some government officials. You will need to contact your local county clerk's office to find out what the requirements are for your specific position.

Generally, you will need to provide proof of your appointment and your official duties. Once you have submitted all the necessary documents, you will be issued a certificate of authorization to perform marriages in California.

How To Apply For A License To Perform Marriage In California

Once you meet the requirements to become a marriage performer in California, you will need to apply for a license. The process for applying for a license varies depending on whether you are a religious official or a civil official.

Religious Officials

If you are a religious official, you will need to contact the county clerk's office where your congregation is located to apply for a license. You will need to provide proof of your authorization to perform marriages and pay a fee.

Once your application is approved, you will receive a license to perform marriages in California. The license is valid for 90 days and can be used to perform marriages in any location within the state.

Civil Officials

If you are a civil official, you will need to contact your local county clerk's office to apply for a license. You will need to provide proof of your appointment and pay a fee.

Once your application is approved, you will receive a license to perform marriages in California. The license is valid for one year and can only be used to perform marriages within your jurisdiction.

Renewing Your License To Perform Marriage In California

If you wish to continue performing marriages in California after your license has expired, you will need to renew your license. The process for renewing your license is similar to the process for applying for a license.

Religious Officials

If you are a religious official, you will need to contact the county clerk's office where your congregation is located to renew your license. You will need to provide proof of your authorization to perform marriages and pay a fee.

Once your application is approved, you will receive a new license to perform marriages in California. The license is valid for 90 days and can be used to perform marriages in any location within the state.

Civil Officials

If you are a civil official, you will need to contact your local county clerk's office to renew your license. You will need to provide proof of your appointment and pay a fee.

Once your application is approved, you will receive a new license to perform marriages in California. The license is valid for one year and can only be used to perform marriages within your jurisdiction.


Getting a license to perform marriage in California is an important step for anyone who wants to perform marriages in the state. Whether you are a religious official or a civil official, there are certain requirements that you must meet before you can legally perform a marriage. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can get your license and start performing marriages in California.

Related video of License to Perform Marriage in California

